Digital business cards have become an invaluable tool in the modern digital business world, but what if you’re not quite sure where or when to use them? Digital business cards can be great for networking events. Building relationships with clients and fellow professionals, driving traffic to your website, and much more. But the best thing about them is that you don’t have to print out massive stacks of them! In this guide on digital business cards, we’ll cover everything from where and when to use them to how to create and distribute them and more.

What are digital business cards?    

Simply put, digital business cards are online links to your personal information on social networks like Facebook and LinkedIn. They work in a few different ways. First of all, having a business card that directs people to your LinkedIn or Facebook page shows that you’re more than just an email address or phone number. It reveals a little about your personality.

It also gives people who want to learn more about you—like clients and future employers—direct access to your full professional profile. This can help them get a better sense of what you do and how they might be able to work with you. And finally, digital business cards make it easy for people to connect with you. Without having to remember exactly where they found your contact info. If you give someone your card, chances are good they’ll misplace it before long.

But if you give them a link to your LinkedIn profile, there’s no chance of losing track of it! Digital business cards let you share important information without handing out anything physical. That means less waste and fewer missed opportunities for those who use them correctly. In short, these days there’s no reason not to have a digital business card. It’s one of those things that doesn’t cost much time or money. But could end up making a big difference in your career down the road. The key is knowing when and how to use one!

Pros and Cons of using a digital business card

The biggest problem with digital business cards is that they don’t leave behind a tangible item for your business contacts to carry around. But on the other hand, since these digital business cards are virtual. They can be accessed by anyone you give them to (even if they lose their physical card), can be shared more easily on social media platforms like LinkedIn and Facebook, and can be updated in real-time. So is it worth using a digital business card? Most definitely! As long as you use it correctly. 

Let’s take a look at some of its pros and cons so you can decide for yourself. Where do digital business cards work best? If you are looking to get information out about your company or professional services online. Then having a digital business card makes sense. Digital marketing trends show that most people turn to Google first when searching for businesses online.

Optimized Website

This means that not only should you have an optimized website with content. About what you do and why someone should hire you. But also an optimized social media presence will help direct potential clients towards your site. Especially those who may have found your site through Google search. Since digital business cards can be attached to both websites and social media profiles, they make perfect sense here.  Now let’s talk about where digital business cards don’t work as well.

When it comes to handing out physical copies of your card. There are several situations where a simple paper copy won’t cut it. For example, if you meet someone at a networking event or conference. Handing over your contact info in paper form doesn’t allow them to connect with you via email or social media right away. Or perhaps you’re meeting with a potential client face-to-face and want to follow up after your meeting.

A digital business card allows you to send additional information immediately without waiting until you get back to your office. What types of digital business cards are available? There are two main types of digital business cards: QR codes and mobile links. While both serve similar purposes, each has unique advantages. QR Codes – Quick Response codes are small black-and-white squares made up of square dots arranged in a grid pattern that contain encoded data.

Scanning a QR

These little squares hold all kinds of information including web addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, and even videos. Scanning a QR code is as easy as pointing your smartphone camera at one while holding it still for a few seconds. Once scanned, you’ll be taken directly to whatever link or web address was stored within.

Mobile Links – Shortened URLs can be used in place of a QR code and provide many of the same benefits. However, instead of sending users directly to whatever link is embedded within, shortened URLs redirect users to another page (like Twitter). Where they must click on a view button before being sent to their final destination. Both QR codes and shortened URLs can be displayed on business cards, in advertisements, on posters, or anywhere else you’d like to share your information. Just keep in mind that you’ll need to make sure whoever is viewing your card knows how to scan it or type in a URL.

Best places to use your digital business card

When giving out your business card in a professional context or making an impression on someone you may want to see again. Think of where it’s best to do so. Try to be prepared with some quick responses that make you sound knowledgeable about what you’re doing if they ask questions. For example, How long have you been working for XYZ company? can lead to a great conversation starter about how excited you are to work there.

If you feel uncomfortable handing out your physical business cards at first. Don’t worry—your online profile is always available for anyone who wants more information. Plus, many people like getting digital business cards. Because they can store them digitally without having to carry around a wallet full of paper.

Keep track of all their contacts!

This makes it easier for them to keep track of all their contacts! And as a side note, there’s no shame in being able to direct your client to your LinkedIn page or portfolio site. Instead of handing over one of your real business cards. That shows class. So, by all means, share whatever contact info you have; just make sure you follow up after meeting them (more on that later). Also, consider sharing social media links when appropriate—they provide easy access for future interactions and often help solidify relationships even more than exchanging phone numbers and email addresses do.

Think of every time you give out your business card as an opportunity to grow your network. Even though you might not know exactly how or when those connections will come in handy, trust us—they will! And don’t forget: The sooner you start establishing yourself as a leader within your industry. The better off you’ll be down the road. But what kind of networking opportunities exist outside these formal contexts? Here are some other places we recommend using your digital business card.

At Meetups & Conferences

One of our favorite ways to use our digital business cards is at conferences and meetups. Especially those related to our niche industries. These events are perfect for talking shop with fellow professionals. Learning from seasoned veterans, and making new friends along the way. Not only that, but chances are good that everyone else in attendance will also be eager to exchange information—so take advantage of these situations!

As mentioned above, you should always bring extra business cards to hand out during these kinds of gatherings. And although you won’t need as many copies as you would for a conference or trade show. It never hurts to bring extras anyway—you never know when a last-minute opportunity will arise!

On Social Media Platforms

Another way to get creative with your digital business card is through social media platforms such as Twitter and Facebook. Although these sites are usually used for personal communications. You can easily include your business card as a link to your website or portfolio. Just be careful not to spam—you don’t want to turn off potential clients with too much self-promotion!

In Your Email Signature

Last but certainly not least, you should include your digital business card in your email signature. After all, it’s free advertising! And, if you’re a freelancer or consultant, it’s a great way to let your current and prospective clients know that you’re always open for business. Just be sure to edit your signature frequently—it can quickly become outdated!

We hope these tips have helped make your digital business card experience a positive one. Remember: It doesn’t matter whether you choose to print cards or not. What matters is that you build an online presence that professionally represents your brand. And if you’re looking for more advice on how to build your brand. Check out our guide to starting a freelance business. Good luck!