If you’re looking to build your business through networking, face-to-face meetings, and building relationships. Then you’re going to want to take full advantage of everything that digital business cards have to offer. Although this concept may seem like the future of business cards. It’s been around since the early 2000s, making it easy to find vendors and partners who can help you get started in seconds. If you’re still wondering what digital business cards are or how they work best, then this article will help!
7 Reasons to Use Digital Business Cards
Digital business cards offer an array of useful features, but which are best suited to your needs? Here are seven that you can take advantage of:
1. Added visibility. Digital business cards aren’t just convenient—they make it easier to stay in touch with people. After all, a digital business card allows you to send and receive invitations anytime, anywhere, and on any device, as well as allowing you to easily update and share details via text message or email.
2. Flexibility with your information. When you create a digital business card, you have full control over what appears on it. Whether you want to include your address, phone number or even social media handles is up to you!
3. Personalization options galore. With so many design options available, there’s no limit to how creative (or simple) your card can be! Choose from pre-designed templates or create something entirely new using our online editor.
4. Simple sharing capabilities. Once you’ve created your card, simply copy its URL and paste it into emails, texts, or instant messages to share your contact info with anyone who wants it!
5. Mobile access from anywhere at any time. Since digital business cards live online, they’re accessible from almost any device at any time. You don’t need to carry them around to use them!
6. Easy customization for every occasion. You can change your business card as often as you like. Whether it’s to reflect changes in your company or personal branding or simply because you feel like doing so!
7. Built-in security measures keep things safe. All of our services are protected by SSL encryption technology. Ensuring that sensitive data stays safe and secure when transferred between devices.
There are plenty of reasons why digital business cards are superior to traditional paper versions. Including their ability to serve as mobile marketing tools and much more!
10 Tips on Using Them Effectively
Several factors determine why digital business cards are such a successful online marketing tool. Digital business cards, unlike their traditional counterparts, can be viewed with any kind of device, including desktops, laptops and smartphones, and tablets. These cards look professional and trustworthy since they don’t have to be physically printed. And they’re easy to send out en masse via email or social media platforms. Here are ten tips on how to use digital business cards effectively
1. Be sure your digital card is branded: You want your digital card to represent you or your company in an eye-catching way. So make sure it includes a logo and other images that give it character. It should also include your contact information so people know how to reach you.
2. Don’t try to cram too much into one image: While there is some leeway when it comes to length. Many experts recommend keeping your image under 100 KB in size. This will ensure that others will download and share your card without any problems.
3. Include a link back to your website: Including a link back to your website helps users learn more about you and allows them to easily find ways of contacting you if needed.
4. Make sure your contact information is accurate: Make sure all of your contact information (email address, phone number) is up to date. If someone wants to get in touch with you but has trouble doing so. Because your details are incorrect, they may lose interest.
5. Keep personal photos off your card: Not everyone needs to see pictures of your family members or pets. Keep these types of photos off your digital business card and focus instead on what makes you unique as a person or brand.
6. Send your card to contacts who aren’t already following you: Sending your digital business card to contacts who aren’t already following you gives them another reason to check out your profile and possibly follow you.
7. Add links to relevant content on social media sites: Adding links to relevant content on social media sites will help increase awareness of what you do. While allowing others a chance to view related posts right from within their inboxes.
8. Make sure your file name is catchy: A good file name will make it easier for recipients to recognize and share your card. Especially if you add a short description of what you do at the end.
9. Consider making multiple versions of your card: Some experts suggest making multiple versions of your digital business card depending on which social networks you plan to promote it on.
10. Use different file names for each version: Since social media sites like Facebook only allow one image per post, you might need to create different files based on which site you intend to share your card on. For example, if you plan to share your card on Twitter and Pinterest, you might need to create two separate files: one for Twitter and one for Pinterest. Five professional links to reputable websites. A link back to your website and social media profiles.
Add an image of yourself in a business setting, with a suit and tie or blouse and skirt, looking directly into the camera (not smiling). You can include your own social media links on your profile page.
LinkedIn Profile should have at least 100 connections and a total of 2 recommendations.
Twitter profile should have at least 50 followers.
Facebook account must have over 200 friends. Instagram profile should be set to public and include at least 10 posts.
Pinterest profile should be set to public and include at least 5 boards with relevant content. Google+ profile must have over 200 followers.
Snapchat account must have over 50 friends, and you must post regularly (at least once a week).
You must use a business email address (such as [email protected] or [email protected]).
You must use your real name on all social media accounts, including Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Google+, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Snapchat, and YouTube.
4 Things to Know Before Moving Forward
To start, make sure you’re giving out proper business cards. You want to hand out something professional and memorable; something your audience can hang on to.
Make sure your card reflects who you are and what you do, but at its most basic level, it needs to include your name, title or occupation, company name, and contact information.
If you’re handing out a physical card, be sure to add an email address as well. If you’re using a digital version of your business card (like one of those cool QR codes), be sure to provide a link that directs people back to your website or social media profiles so they can learn more about you and how they can connect with you online.
Finally, consider where you will use your business card. If you’re looking to meet new clients in person, choose a high-quality print option that includes color photos and graphics.
For networking events, consider choosing a digital option like an app instead—it allows users to access all of their information quickly without having to go through extra steps like printing out a paper copy. When designing your business card, think about whether you need a one-card solution or if multiple cards would work better for you.
Think about your industry and whether there might be some value in adding additional information to a second card. A second card could also help you streamline networking by allowing attendees to easily separate contacts into two groups: One group gets one type of card while another gets another type.
It also gives them two ways to follow up with you: via email or phone call versus text message or social media post. And finally, don’t forget to keep your cards updated! People change jobs frequently these days and many businesses have short lifespans. Be sure to update your card every time you change positions or companies; even if it’s just changing around phone numbers or email addresses. This way, you won’t risk sending someone to a dead end when they try to reach out.
Some Final Considerations
From a visual standpoint, one of the biggest advantages of digital business cards is that they’re easy to send: all you need is an email address. There’s no limit on how many you can give out and they don’t take up any physical space.
Digital business cards are also easily accessible and searchable—they live in your contact list, so anyone who gets your card has instant access to it at any time. This makes them great for networking purposes or when you want to get in touch with someone quickly; there’s no fumbling around with paper or wondering if someone still has your information (or where it might be).
Finally, digital business cards make it easier to keep track of everyone you meet. When you exchange information digitally, most services will let you save your contacts and add notes about each person—which means less time spent trying to remember details later on.