If you find yourself networking regularly, you know that business cards are an essential part of the process. But, there’s no longer any need to carry around paper cards or even keep your information organized on those cards. Once you’ve collected them all!
A digital business card can help streamline the process and make it easier than ever to connect with people in your industry or just people you want to connect with. How? Let’s take a look at how digital business cards can help you change your networking strategy. And what they actually mean by bringing more value to your networking opportunities than traditional business cards ever could!
Why Do You Need One?
A business card is an integral part of your networking strategy. Not only does it give people something to remember you by. But it also allows you to connect with contacts and potential partners in person. But do business cards still matter? Sure they do!
A digital business card is crucial in today’s world of social media. Where we have many different contact information for people. A business card can put you ahead of others who aren’t using them or who have outdated information on them. Plus, there are several other reasons why you should have one. Read on to learn more about how a digital business card can change your networking strategy.
What Is A Digital Business Card?
A digital business card, in its most basic form, is any web page that contains all of your contact information. So you can think of it as an updated version of your old school paper business card. With more space for links to social media profiles and an up-to-date logo.
It’s also easily searchable, making it easier for others to find you on social media platforms or on search engines like Google. This means you have one less thing to worry about when meeting someone new. You don’t have to spend time digging through your purse or wallet looking for a physical business card.
Simply pull out your phone and send them off with something they can use immediately. (We recommend always including your email address at least!)
Finally, having a digital business card gives you one more way to leave an impression after meeting someone in person. By offering them access to additional content via your website or social media channels. You give yourself another opportunity to stand out from other networking contacts.
Get Professional Agency to Create a Digital Business Card?
It may be tempting to create your own digital business card and email signature yourself. After all, it’s not hard, right? But if you’re like most professionals, spending time on tasks. Other than what makes you money is something you try to avoid at all costs.
By outsourcing to an experienced team of designers and writers, you can get help creating a powerful digital business card without sacrificing precious billable hours. The process will likely take less time than you think (most designs are done in under 24 hours), and there are a ton of great options out there for graphic design agencies that specialize in digital business cards.
Hire someone with experience creating effective digital business cards, rather than someone who just dabbles in graphic design—the results will show. When you look for a designer or agency, ask about their specific experience working with businesses and entrepreneurs. If they don’t have any references from previous clients, move on to another candidate.
Once you’ve chosen a designer or agency. Give them detailed instructions about your company brand guidelines and overall aesthetic. So they can come up with ideas that fit seamlessly into your existing branding materials.
You should also provide examples of successful digital business cards from other companies as inspiration, as well as images of logos and fonts you like. Be prepared to work closely with your designer throughout the design process to ensure everything comes together exactly how you want it. You should expect revisions until you’re 100% satisfied with the final product.
Send Your Card Around To All
Then, once you have your finished digital business card. Make sure to send it around to all of your contacts and add it to every professional profile you have online. If possible, include a link where people can download it too. It’ll save them some time when they need to find your contact information again later.
This is especially important for freelancers and consultants who regularly meet new potential clients. But aren’t always able to exchange physical business cards. Just make sure you keep track of which version of your digital business card you’re sending to each person. So you know whether they already have it saved on their computer.
Also, remember that your digital business card isn’t going to do much good sitting on your computer or phone. You need to put it everywhere else too! That means adding it to your website, social media profiles, and anywhere else where people might see it.
Don’t forget to update your email signature as well; after all, that’s one of the first places people go to search for your contact info. Finally, make sure you use your digital business card consistently over time. Creating one is only half of what you need to do. You also need to maintain it and use it consistently over time. So it becomes part of your identity in everyone’s mind.
Who Should You Connect With First?
If you’re looking to get a head start in your business, focusing on your sphere of influence is critical. As Dale Carnegie says, you can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you.
Focus first on engaging and helping people within your network or who are aware of what you do. The right connections will help you learn, grow and gain exposure quickly. Once you’ve established yourself as an expert within your niche, reach out to others for help or advice.
Remember: when networking with someone new, think about how you can offer value before asking for anything in return. This helps establish trust and goodwill—and makes it easier to ask for a favor later. When you need something from someone else, approach them with humility and appreciation. Remember that they have something valuable to offer, so don’t take it for granted.
And if you really want to be helpful, keep in mind that there’s always room for improvement. While you may feel confident about certain aspects of your business. Don’t let pride stop you from reaching out to experts outside your field. Ask questions, stay humble and listen intently; these actions demonstrate respect for their time and expertise. In turn, you’ll likely receive great advice and insight. Just be sure to follow up with a thank-you note!
How to Use the Card at Events
An Overview of What it is and How It Works: A digital business card is an amazing tool for networking. In most cases, people often exchange their business cards for access to their contact information. However, that information is only good if it’s easy to get to.
Digitizing your contacts provides quick and easy access to all of your contacts without having to carry around stacks of papers. Here’s how you can use digital business cards in order to network more effectively and increase your connections with other professionals.
First, let’s take a look at what exactly digital business cards are. You may be surprised by what they really are and how they work. Are They Really Digital? So you might be wondering just what makes these so-called digital business cards different from regular ones.
After all, aren’t both simply pieces of paper with contact information on them? While a digital business card certainly has some commonalities with its physical counterpart, there are also some important differences. The first difference between a traditional paper business card and its digital counterpart is that a digital one doesn’t actually have to be printed out on paper.
Instead, it can exist as a file on your computer or smartphone. This means that you don’t need to go through any additional steps to make sure that everyone who gets your card has access to your contact information. Instead, everyone will have immediate access to it through whatever device they happen to be using at any given time.
Second, a digital business card doesn’t have to be physically handed over when you meet someone new. Instead, you can send it electronically via email or text message right away—and then move on to talking about something else. No More Stacks of Paper If you attend many professional events. Such as conferences or seminars, then chances are good that at least some of your fellow attendees will ask for your business card.
Present Yourself Professionally
The important thing to know about digital business cards is that you must present yourself professionally when sending them. Here are a few simple tips to help ensure your digital business card will be well received. Use an appropriate email address for your personal branding and include a professional picture of yourself in your profile, as well as some basic information like what you do, where you work, and how people can contact you.
Make sure all of these details match up with what’s on your physical business card. Include links to any social media profiles where appropriate (LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook) so people can follow up with any questions they may have after reading over your information.
Be sure to also add keywords that are relevant to your field or industry so other professionals searching for someone like you can find you. If possible, make it easy for people to connect with you through your digital business card by including a phone number or email address. Finally, keep it short and sweet—people don’t want to read an essay when looking at their new contacts! Instead, use bullet points or highlight certain key pieces of information that would be helpful for networking purposes.