Your business card might seem like just another tool to help you network, but it can be so much more than that. Your business card can become an extremely powerful digital tool that helps you grow your business and allows you to spread your brand to new audiences who would have otherwise been inaccessible to you before. Here are some reasons why you need a digital business card to grow your business online.


Some years ago, digital business cards were purely novelty items. Today, however, they are an essential part of many businesses. What’s behind their growing popularity? Find out here! Read on to learn about how you can use your digital business card to boost your business.

What is a digital business card?

A digital business card is an online snapshot of yourself. This should include your name, contact information, website, and even social media links. That let people connect with you—all in one convenient place.

A digital business card can also be used to highlight any professional accolades you’ve received or certifications you have earned as well as include links to work samples. This is an essential tool for professionals who are serious about building their brand. And staying at the top of their field. The benefits of having a digital business card: Not only does having a digital business card help you stand out from your competition. But it also allows you to share all of your important information in just one click.

People will appreciate how easy it is to access all of your key details by visiting your website. Instead of going through several different websites or pieces of paper. If someone needs more information on why they should hire you or do business with you. They can easily access additional resources without needing to ask for them again.

4 Best benefits of having an online business card

#1. Creative Portfolio: Show off your professional work and connect with clients, old and new.

#2. Target Audience: Just upload your business card to LinkedIn to keep up with friends, family, and colleagues, Facebook, and Twitter so more people can find you!

#3. Online Networking: Use tools like TweetDeck or Hootsuite to link all of your social media networks together (FB, G+, Twitter, etc.) in one place. This will help you post at optimal times to reach your target audience.

#4. Brand Recognition: Having an online business card helps build brand recognition for your company as well as yourself. It’s also great for SEO purposes since it is another form of original content on your website that search engines love!

Digital business cards vs. physical business cards

Physical business cards are becoming obsolete. A digital business card is easier to distribute, read and share than its physical counterparts. The benefits of using a digital business card include:

  1. The ability to update your information easily. The ability to add links and attachments that give your contact more information about you or your company.

2. The ability to have an online presence for yourself or your company even if you don’t have a website or social media account set up yet.

3. The ability to send messages directly from your business card. The ability to track who has viewed your digital business card and follow up with them in real-time.

Using a digital business card will make it easier for people to connect with you. And understand what you do and how they can work with you. In addition, it makes it easy for people to quickly pass along your information. When they think someone else might be interested in working with you.

The best ways to use your digital business card

Carry your business card with you wherever you go and make sure that it’s up to date. Once you’ve collected contact information, input them into your email, social media accounts, and CRM software.

An up-to-date digital business card can also help you keep in touch with individuals more easily. Because you can use social media to message them, instead of having to find their phone number or email address. Another way to utilize your digital business card is by using it as an online resume.

online version of your resume

When applying for jobs, many employers will ask for an online version of your resume. This makes it easy for them to see all of your relevant skills and experience without having to ask you for a hard copy; they just have to click on one link!

You can also include links on your digital business card so that people can view any work samples you’d like them to see, such as websites or portfolios. If you have a website, include a link to it on your digital business card.

Not only does this allow people to learn more about what you do and who you are professionally. But if they decide to visit your site after meeting with you in person, they’ll be able to get an idea of how professional your brand is at first glance.

A digital business card is also useful for networking purposes. Many conferences and events provide attendees with QR codes that contain links to their LinkedIn profiles, which allows other attendees to connect with them via LinkedIn.

If you meet someone at a conference or event, give them your QR code instead of handing over your physical business card. It’s much easier than trying to type out an email address or connect through Facebook!  

Finally, you can use your digital business card to promote your latest content. If you write articles or host webinars, put a call-to-action button on your digital business card that leads directly to those pieces of content.

That way, if someone wants to learn more about what you do, they don’t have to dig around for additional information—they can simply click on a button and be taken directly where they want to go!


There are hundreds of reasons why you need a digital business card, but here are five key reasons:

•Social media presence

•Professional image

•Stand out from your competition

•Staying organized.

•Reach more clients (and save money) with every event.

There are many more reasons to have a digital business card, and if you can’t think of some right now, trust us—they will come up soon enough!