Your business card serves as the ultimate calling card, allowing you to leave an impression on anyone who comes in contact with it. So you want it to reflect your personality and profession. The problem is that most business cards are little more than an afterthought. As such often look like they were thrown together at the last minute using a basic word processor, or worse yet have no design at all! As digital business cards become more popular, however, creating one that stands out isn’t quite as hard as it used to be.

Include a Professional Picture and Additional Visuals

You’ve probably heard it before—your first impression is likely based on your appearance. In fact, studies have shown that people tend to prefer those who seem attractive over those who don’t (the study authors refer to these as pleasing images). As such, you should do everything in your power to ensure that your business card looks polished and professional from head-to-toe.

This means including an up-to-date picture of yourself, along with other visuals like a logo or brand colors. And if you can think of other ways to make your digital business card stand out visually, go for it! Just be sure not to get too carried away; remember, your goal here is to appear professional and trustworthy. If your photo is super low quality or unprofessional looking, it might actually hurt more than help.

But don’t let that stop you from trying new things! Experimentation never hurts. For example, a white background tends to look great for most professionals. Or, consider making your photo black and white to add some flair. Alternatively, adding unique borders around your image will also draw attention to it without taking away from its professional look.

There are plenty of different design elements you can use to personalize your business card. Just remember that a little goes a long way. Don’t go overboard! It’s always good practice to ask friends and family members what they think about your design choices.

Are they clear? Do they catch their eye? What else could you do to improve them? Remember, no one knows your industry better than you do. So take advantage of that expertise by asking others for feedback. They may even have suggestions that you hadn’t thought of yet!

Make Your Name and Job Title Stand Out

Your name is your first impression and your job title says whether you’re an integral part of your company or just another cog in its machine. That makes choosing both of these things very important. When looking at other people’s business cards. We make split, second decisions about whether we want to connect with them on a personal level. And those judgements are based on what catches our attention. You only have one chance when it comes to making first impressions, so make sure yours counts! In addition to thinking about what will stand out for you personally, think about how others will perceive your card. Will they immediately know who you are?

If not, there may be room for improvement. Do you want to use a photo? A creative design? Something else entirely? The choice is up to you, but whatever you choose should reflect your personality and brand. And if you don’t have a business card yet, no worries: It’s never too late to start!

Use Simple Color Schemes  

It’s safe to say that white space is just as important as content when it comes to designing business cards. The more cluttered your design, the less likely people are going to stop and pay attention. For best results, keep things simple with a single color scheme. And make sure there’s plenty of room between lines of text.

This makes it easy for your potential clients or customers to read what you have written down while making it easier for them remember you. It also helps if you include an email address on your card so they can easily contact you later on. If they want to learn more about your services. There are also many templates available online where you can create a digital business card in minutes. And these days, most professionals use one anyway!

Add Clear Contact Details  

The digital business card, or vcard, is what you give people on your own website. When they want to find more information about you. It should contain all of your contact details, such as address and phone number. But also your personal website URL, e-mail address, Facebook page URL and Twitter handle.

When giving someone your vcard, be sure to include a quick note about how they can reach you in each channel. For example, Send me an email or Follow me on Twitter—so it’s clear how to get in touch with you. You might even consider including some social media buttons in your header image. So it’s easy for others to follow you online. If you don’t have any social media accounts yet, then make one before adding them to your site; it shows professionalism and will help attract visitors.

Some websites have started creating HTML business cards that link back to their web profiles (e.g., LinkedIn) rather than linking directly to their home pages. This is useful because it allows you to add more information about yourself without taking up too much space on your homepage. But it can also be confusing for people who aren’t familiar with how they work. If you choose to use these, make sure you include instructions on how they work and what people should do if they want more information about you.

Make Your Website Link Prominent

Your website is your online business card, so make sure it’s easy for others to find. Add it as your LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter profile links; if you have a personal website or other online presence (like, say, an Instagram account), include those links on top of your homepage, too. Putting them at the bottom of your website page isn’t enough—they should be at the top where they can be easily accessed and clicked by viewers.

Make sure each link is simple and clear: if someone doesn’t know what your site stands for, they won’t click through. Make It Easy to Contact You: Include all of your contact information in a prominent place on every social media platform you use. If someone wants to get in touch with you via email, phone or carrier pigeon, make it easy for them! If there are certain times when you don’t want to be contacted (like during work hours), add that information, too.

Keep It Up-to-Date: Keeping your online business card up-to-date will ensure people have accurate information about how to reach you and how best to interact with you. Be Social: Don’t forget about being social. Use hashtags on Instagram, respond quickly on Twitter and keep up with comments on Facebook – even if it’s just once a week or month. Showing that you care about connecting with people will encourage them to connect back!

Mention Key Affiliates and Reviews

As with any form of digital promotion, you’ll want to use your affiliate status and reviews as proof of credibility. If you have your own online storefront, find opportunities (such as review sites) where you can mention your products as well as affiliates that sell similar goods. If you don’t have such an outlet, consider creating one on your site. 

It’s worth mentioning that even if you aren’t selling your own products. It doesn’t hurt to include them in some capacity; after all, having a few recommendations on hand is better than none at all.

Use Links and Files to Draw Attention to Important Projects

The ability to include links and files within your online business card allows you to direct viewers right where you want them. If there’s an important document or presentation, embed it into your digital business card. For example, if you’re applying for a job, add in your most recent resume.

If you have projects on different websites, link directly from your virtual business card back to those profiles. This can save time and help hiring managers see exactly what they need without having to click around or do research. Keep in mind that including too many links and files may slow down load times or cause other technical issues. Use your best judgment when deciding how much information is necessary.

Create a Mobile-Friendly Business Card: In today’s world, mobile devices are more prevalent than ever before. With such heavy usage of smartphones and tablets, it’s crucial to create a mobile-friendly version of your business card. This will allow users to easily access all of your contact information no matter which device they are using. It also makes it easier for people to send out links via text message or email—so long as you give them easy access to do so!

Use Clear Calls to Action

Use calls-to-action (CTAs) on your website and other online spaces. CTAs are designed to drive prospects toward completing your desired action. Whether it’s subscribing to a newsletter or buying a product. Make sure you use clear, compelling language in your CTAs so people know exactly what they should do when they see them.

For example, instead of saying Subscribe now!

Try Get weekly updates from [company name] by signing up for our newsletter today! Use High-Quality Images: Include high-quality images with your content. A good image can make all the difference between someone clicking through to read more about your topic or simply scrolling past because they aren’t interested in what you have to say. If possible, include an image of yourself alongside text as well as one without text for those who want just an image. You can also include images of your products or services. If relevant to help convince readers that whatever you offer is worth their time and money.